Speaker enquiry
As a rule, our customers and interested parties will get a personalised offer within an hour at Nativea for the desired service. It doesn't matter if you are seeking one or more native speakers. You will get a reply to your quick enquiry soon!
Nativea "nice voices" offers you as the interested party two options to place an enquiry:
1. You will find a short form for a quick enquiry (see image)
2. On all other webpages you will find the detailed form for your enquiry on the right side (see image)
The speciality about the quick enquiry of Nativea 'nice voices'
The speciality about the detailed quick enquiry is that the native speakers you picked are added to the enquiry form. Just click on the button 'add' for that (see explanatory image).
This way you can ensure that no native speaker in the needed language will be forgotten in the enquiry!
So why don't you place a non-binding enquiry to order an international native speaker (or another service).
Use one of the two options for your enquiry, or write us an email in the contact field. We look forward to serving you soon.
What can the speaker service of Nativea offer?
The speaker service of Nativea offers you as a customer the full service, which you as a customer deserve. At Nativea you will get a personal contact person for your queries and the consultancy for your personal native speaker voice or another service.
Nativea nice voices strives to fulfill the individual speaker wishes of the customers and therefore offers a 24/7 service for its customers by mail or you can use the support telephone line during business hours.
We look forward to convinving you of our full speaker service, too!